Category Archives: Vedic Astrology

Moon in 10th house Love, Career, Rise, Promotion/ Demotion & More

Moon in 10th house Love, Career, Rise, Promotion Demotion & More

Moon in 10th House in Horoscope Love, Marriage, Career, Health, Finance, Family:- Chandra Graha In Vedic Astrology in the tenth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: Moon in 10th house gives very emotional and sentimental nature to the native. Native with Moon in their 10th house receives lots of love and adoration from their family [Know More…]

Moon Rahu Conjunction/ Grahan Yoga Effects and Remedies In Astrology

Moon Rahu Conjunction - Grahan Yoga Effects and Remedies In Astrology

Moon Rahu Conjunction/ Grahan Yoga Effects and Remedies In Vedic Astrology, Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: Generally, as per Astrology, a Combination or conjunction of Rahu and Moon is regarded as a very Inauspicious combination by most of the astrologers or Horoscope Readers. But, If you go through some research, You will find many Successful  Famous [Know More…]

Sun in 10th House Love, Career, Career Rise, Promotion/Demotion & More

सूर्य दसवें/ १० भाव में स्थिति का फल - प्रेम, करियर उदय, पदोन्नति/ पदावनति, बिबाह

Sun in 10th  house in Birth Chart For   Love, Career, Health, Finance,  Family, Marriage:- Sun in 10th house makes native work for the government or may acquire a high position in their professional life in the foreign land. The native might also become famous through politics or sports. Surya Graha in 10th from Lagna for [Know More…]

Ketu in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Ketu in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Ketu in 9th house Love, Travel, Career, Health, Finance, Education, Family, Marriage:- South Node of Moon Graha In Vedic Astrology in the ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart:  9th house deals with foreign travel, Good fortune, Good luck, meditation, spirituality, higher learning, higher education, philosophy, and pilgrimages. South Node Graha in 9th from Lagna [Know More…]

Rahu in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Rahu in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Rahu in 9th  house Love, Career, Health, Family, Education, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance:–  Rahu in 9th house blesses native with a lot of comforts and happiness after 42 years of age but before that, there will be lot challenges, obstacles and struggle in life. North Node in 9th from Lagna for all Ascendants Rahu in [Know More…]

Suicidal Tendencies In Astrology – Planetary Combinations In Horoscope

Suicide or Suicidal Tendencies In Astrology - Planetary Combinations In Horoscope

Suicidal Tendencies In Astrology – Planetary Combinations In Horoscope – Suicide Yogas Kundli/ Birth Chart: Planetary combination in Horoscope which causes Fear, Phobia, Mental Trauma, mental instability, restlessness, anxiety and sometimes causes a person looks beyond the other end line of life from different Perspective through different dimensions including Spirituality. Astrological Combinations For Suicide In [Know More…]

Saturn in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

कुंडली के 9 वीं घर/ भाब में शनि का फल - शादी, कैरियर, पदोन्नति/ उन्नति, उच्च शिक्षा, विदेश

Saturn in 9th house Love, Foreign Travel, Career, Health, Education/ Higher Studies, Finance, Education, Family, Marriage: Shani Graha In Vedic Astrology in the ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: Saturn in 9th house makes native religious, pious and spiritually awaken and enlighten especially during advanced years of life.  These natives do possess a conservative [Know More…]

Venus in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Venus in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Venus in 9th house Love, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Career, Health, Finance, Education/ Higher Studies, Family:- Shukra Graha In Vedic Astrology in the ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: 9th house denotes a religion, culture, spirituality, higher learning, and higher consciousness. Native with Venus in 9th house gets really attracted to foreign culture, arts, traditions, foreign [Know More…]

Mercury in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Mercury in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Mercury in 9th house Love, Foreign Travel, Career, Marriage, Health, Finance, Family, Education, and Higher Studies:- Budh Graha In Vedic Astrology in the ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart:  9th house signifies foreign visits, father’s well being, distance, Good fortune, spiritual pursuits and endeavors, Higher education, Higher Knowledge, etc. When Mercury is placed in [Know More…]

Jupiter in 9th House Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance

Jupiter in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance & More

Jupiter in 9th house Love, Foreign Travel, Career, Health, Finance, Education and Higher Studies, Family, Marriage:- Guru/ Brihaspati Graha In ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart – Vedic Astrology: 9th house is the natural karaka house or powerhouse of Jupiter. Jupiter in 9th makes native-born fortunate and wealthy in life. Jupiter in 9th house [Know More…]

Mars in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance & More

Mars in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance & More

Mars in 9th house Love, Sex, Career, Foreign Travel, Health, Finance, Education, Family, Marriage:- Mangal Graha In ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart – Vedic Astrology: Mars in 9th house gives love for adventure and long-distance travel. Mars in 9th house makes native indulge or addicted to risk-taking activities during travel in foreign land. [Know More…]

Moon in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance & More

Moon in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance & More

Moon in 9th  house Love, Career, Marriage, Foreign Travel, Finance Education, Family:- Chandra Graha In ninth house of Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart – Vedic Astrology: Moon in 9th house gives a lot of traveling to foreign lands due to education or career. Moon in 9th house gives fondness and affiliation towards foreign countries.  Native may [Know More…]

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