Free Online Tarot Reading Accurate

Free online Celtic cross tarot reading: Step 1: Before starting your free online Tarot card reading accurate, for love career marriage, and many other parts of life. You are advised to ground yourself and make you free from all other thoughts apart from the question you want to ask now. This will keep you away from all other unnecessary and negative energies and will help you to connect to the higher energies of spirits. Listen to your inner self and start shuffling the below cards.

Step 2 – Before Using the Following Tarot Reading Tool

Prayer for Online Accurate Tarot Reading:

Just think of your question about what wanted to ask or what there is in your mind and read the below prayer:

My Spirit, Guardian of Angels, and Spirits of this nature, I eagerly ask for your guidance and help. Please guard me with your circle of peace, and joyous light –  and answer my question through this tarot card reading…

free online Tarot card reading accurate, for love career marriage, and many other parts of life

Step 3 – Celtic Cross Tarot Card Reading Position-wise Meaning:

  • First Tarot Card Represents: Where you are right now
  • The second Tarot Card Represents: Your potential/ challenges
  • The third Tarot Card Represents: What to focus on
  • Fourth Tarot Card Represents: Your past
  • Fifth Tarot Card Represents: Your strengths
  • Sixth Tarot Card Represents: Your near/ immediate future
  • Seventh Tarot Card Represents: Suggested approach and your emotional level
  • Eighth Tarot Card Represents: What you need to know
  • Ninth Tarot Card Represents: Hopes and Fears
  • The Tenth Tarot Card Represents: Your potential future and the final answer to your question.

Now let’s start Free Online Tarot Reading…free online Tarot card reading accurate, for love career marriage, and many other parts of life

Final Step – First, click on “Shuffle cards” by keeping your question in mind, and to see results, after shuffling click on all cards one by one (or click on “flip all cards”) and read the results at the end of all cards…

Tarot reading accurate astrosanhita

Shuffle Cards
Flip All Cards

The Tower

You have chosen The Tower, the sixteenth major arcana card of the Tarot. This card represents order out of chaos, new beginnings, and learning through experience. At some time in our lives there will be a crisis and with that will come change. If this is happening to you then rebuilding your life could lead to a deeper understanding of yourself, and a new direction. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. You are called to remain optimistic and positive. Sometimes a disruption is needed to release us from a controlling, or constricting situation in which there has been discomfort for a long time. When this happens there could be a feeling of tremendous release that finally forces us in a new direction.
You may be very confused and worried that things will not be resulted as expected. It is possible that there may be something happened and greatly hit your feeling. You will be disappointed, feel uncomfortable and desperate for someone or something. During this time, do not use your emotion to make decision as you may regret later. The suggestion is to stay calm and control your emotions. The problems will be resolved thereafter.
For Work, The energy of this time lends itself toward arguments; try to keep your temper under control, and not take everything that others say to heart too much. Sudden reversals can happen now. This is not an indicator that you need to panic. It is, however, an indicator that forewarned is forearmed. Even if you think that you have the most stable job or sources of income in the world, what would you do if it dried up tomorrow? Where might you go immediately for work if you needed to? Thinking things through now, when you are not in a crisis, may pay big dividends for you on down the road. If you hate your job, give serious thought to making a change. You deserve to be happy.
For Love, This can be (but is not necessarily) an indicator of a relationship that is about to end. If you are in a relationship that you absolutely, positively, don’t want to see end, this is an important time for damage control and for clear communications. Find out how your partner is feeling/doing. Don’t make assumptions. Find out for sure. When the Tower card appears in a love or relationship reading, then you must understand that the shape of relationship is no longer going to be able to keep the same shape as it always has. This means that one or both of you are going to go through something that is going to cause you to change every aspect of the relationship. This could be very positive in the sense that you may have been just dating and you are now moving onto a more monogamous feel in your relationship so everything will feel different. Or it could be that the time that you have spent together is no longer serving one or both of you. The Tower is not saying to break up, but it does instruct us to be aware of which part of the relationship is fantasy and which parts are based in reality. Make doubly sure at this time that you do not have a fantasy connection with your partner or potential partner, because fantasy blocks only build fantasy buildings and sometimes we are more attached to our fantasy buildings then we are real ones, but fantasies always bring the tower down when reality comes to light. Be honest with yourself; be honest with your partner.
For Finances, This is not a time for risky investments, gambling, or counting on the lottery to make things work out for you. Even if you know the news will not be easy to stomach, find out exactly what you are dealing with financially. It may not be as bad as you think. It is certain, however, that you aren’t making anything any better by avoiding the issues. Deal with any problems in a straightforward manner. The Tower tells you that you must make your entire life about your work, because if you build the Tower of ONE JOB FOR LIFE then you will have to go through the breaking down process should that job ever end. The Tower is telling you that it is time to focus on avenues of life that are not money making in nature.
For Health, Paying attention to what you are doing is critical now. Be careful. Your nerves may be frayed, do whatever you need to do to calm down and stay steady. Exercise can help with this. If you know what you’re doing (and know about your allergies, and your doctor approves) consider trying relaxing herbs. Careful with drugs and alcohol now, if you use any.
For Spirituality, This is a time again to keep a positive attitude as much as possible. New understandings and insights may come to you in the blink of an eye.

When the Tower is reversed, the process has already begun. Likely you are receiving a reading or looking for guidance because you can already feel that there is an aspect of your life, if not the concept of your entire life falling apart all around you. If you receive the reversal of this card, the most that you can do is cover your head and lay low until the building has come all the way down. The more that you fight it; the more hurt you are going to get. Therefore take this time as an opportunity to rest, and to ponder what you are going to create now that this tower has fallen.
it can indicate someone who is brutal and hurtful with words. Someone who fights unnecessarily. Someone who is on some kind of inner crusade not knowing that they are doing more harm than damage. A Christian crusader or an Islamic terrorist are two personae that could be indicated by the Tower reversed.
In a love reading, the Tower reversed suggests that you relationship was built on false believes that you continue to believe to the determent of your spiritual self. The relationship is essentially over, but neither want to realize it or come to terms with it.
The Hermit reversed suffers from hypochondria. He or she may think that every little spot or mark is sign of death.
Remember: The Tower fell so that you could start over with a new structure, do not attempt to rebuild the same tower. If you continue to move forth from this experience making the same choices and the same mistakes you will only end up back in this situation again and again until you learn your lesson. Take this opportunity build something you have never built before. Seek out new experiences or push boundaries. What you are comfortable with in your life may no longer fit.

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Eight Of Cups

There are murky if not unhealthy emotions in your life and you need to do what is best for you. Often, especially because this is a cups card, it is exceptionally difficult to go through this card because at one time the pools that were around you were wondrous, creative, and positive energies that have now died down. Know that renewed good times lie ahead for you. If your “gut” is telling you that you really need to get out of a relationship, job, or living arrangement, trust yourself. Instead of this coming out of the blue, or someone or something leaving you, it usually means that you are the one who will make this choice. Very often one door has to close behind you before the next door in front of you can fully open. .You may desire a change on your current status, for example, change of your working condition or even change of your job. For love, you may be tired and want to give up as your relationship seems to have no future. Or if you have a lover, you may be disappointed and have to stay away from each other for a while. However, you should consider things carefully as once you make a decision you cannot return to correct it.

It’s important to keep reminding yourself that good times lie ahead for you. If your “gut” is telling you that you really need to get out of a relationship, job, or living arrangement, trust yourself..but think long and hard, first. Look before you leap and weigh all the pros and cons, if at all possible. This reversed is almost a positive card. It does still represent loss, but the loss that is felt is not as deep. While you may find that you are walking away from something in your life, the darkness is not present and the view is bright. It is likely a move for the better on your path and one that you can feel good about. Even if you are feeling sad about moving on, know that the progression you are making now is for the best.

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King Of Swords

Overall situation does not turn out the way you expected if you are unaware of the fact that there is a definite possibility for expansion in your life and all you have to do articulate your desires to have them come to fruition. It signifies success, especially if you prepare. In fact, the more you prepare the better the outcome will be. This is a non-emotional card, so it is better to know your stuff than to try to rely on charm and luck to get through. Otherwise there are problems and stress waiting for you. You may need to solve many problems and get very tired. King of Swords tarot card denotes a professional who is at the top of their game. This is someone who is an expert in their field and would have had to study to acquire this knowledge. They also have plenty of practical experience in how to apply this knowledge in a very sophisticated manner. For work, be careful of making mistake or being blamed at work. If you have to coordinate with a male colleague, you may get into conflict with him. Try to be more careful and flexible. Also you may have to face with an aggressive person who use emotions with you. For finance, you still have financial difficulty and you need to be thrifty. Do not spend money easily as you wish. For love, if you are single, you will have someone coming into your life. He or she will be a straightforward person who are serious with life. Also he or she may be hard headed and will not be under others easily. Thus, if you are the same kind of person, if may be difficult to build relationship. If you find that you are having difficulties in communications at this time then you may want to ponder ways in which you are over-analyzing or making your life too complicated. The King of Swords is quick and precise. You need to use this energy to your advantage in order to cut to the root of your problems and then apply your magnificent problem-solving skills. You may need to change something major about your behavior, thoughts, and/or expectations. Don’t overextend your reach.

King of Swords tarot card reversed indicates someone who will manipulate facts to get their own ways. There are blocks in regards to integrity and objectivity. This is someone opinionated and biased. New ideas get mocked and censored. These attributes may refers to you or someone in your life.
You or someone in your life is holding back truths they should be telling. It represents a person out of control in their thoughts… but at worst the card can indicate some serious mental health problems. If the card is focused on you then it is a good time and probably a requirement for your own sanity to focus on you right now. You will need to accept that you can’t always change anyone’s mind; sometimes the best you can hope for is compromise. And being forceful or like a bully yourself is not going to change anything; in fact it is likely to have the opposite effect. Usually it comes up when problems are swirling out of control and you are or are dealing with a person that is losing touch with reality. This can be due to issues or stress or simply from intellectual creativity. No matter what the reason you want to be careful of this person because they can be unaware of consequences of their actions. Often the card is associated with increased manic states, flakiness, and instability in multiple aspects of life such as in the case where a person is so preoccupied that they allow necessary aspects of their life fail like work, relationships, or basic needs. The King of Swords reversed usually represents a powerful, opinionated, forceful man in your life. He will often, but not always, have hair on the darker end of the spectrum. He is not particularly open to new ways of doing things. It will be difficult to get him to be open to any sort of change.


Three Of Pentacles

There will be financial and working opportunities. You may get special job due to your own ability or sideline job which will result in increasing income. If you have your own business, this is a very good time as you will receive a lots of orders. Though you seem not to earn much money at a time but the orders will be coming continuously. it is trlling you that the people around you appreciate you and your efforts, and notice the quality of what you do, even if you don’t get a paycheck. The Three tells you to keep doing what you’re doing as you are on the right track (although there is always room for improvement.) You don’t need to scrap something and start again. If you are a salary man, you may have an opportunity to show your competency and make a progress at work. For finance, it is getting better. If you ever have problems, they will be relieved. For love, the relationship is firm for those who are in relationship. If you are single, you may have to keep waiting.

is generally a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it carries the warning that this is not the time to allow yourself to slack off. It’s an important time to give your best, not settle for the simplest solution. If you do, you are likely to find yourself with much success. it is a disturbing card in the reversed position because it can trump a lot of negative qualities: selfishness, opposition, lack of cooperation, lack of focus, and failure to name a few. When this card comes up in a reading it can be a definite warning to go back to the basics, rework the initial plan of a project, and make sure that you have all the required parts to complete a task. Consider ways in which growth and development is blocked because you just don’t have the skills. It’s always okay to ask for help and now would be an excellent time.

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Four Of Swords

Four of swords tarot card is about rest and rejuvenation, getting enough sleep and taking time out to meditate.
Signifies a break (or need for a break) from normal life. This card usually means that you are needing some time and space to yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don’t hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no. Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble. Previously, you may have passed through situations that made you tired and need to take a rest. For work, you may have been denied which made you feel discouraged and do not want to do anything at this time. For love, you may have been denied by someone whom you secretly fell in love with. You would not be fulfilled. You may have passed through a tough time that upset you a lot and are now under recovery period. Be careful of getting sick due to insufficient rest or osteopathy.

Reversed denotes restlessness and burnouts. If you have injuries that prevent them from getting comfortable, or the you need constant stimulation to feel at peace. It also denote there is a lack of progress in your life. You have received the Four of Swords in the reversed position then you have allowed your lifetime responsibilities to become too much for you to bear. Now is the time for you pursue advice from your higher self, or connect to your highest vision of a universal god form so that you can get back to your peaceful solitude. You will be able to get back to yourself again, and there are a good many opportunities ahead of you. Though you may experience opposing energies or find that it is too hard to get moving, you just need to recognize where you are at and allow yourself to pursue peace. It means that in addition to feeling tired, you may be feeling a bit isolated. Do not look at this as a permanent situation. Allow yourself to rest, and know that the relationships and friendships that you need are coming. Take one step at a time.


Four Of Wands

you may be attending a special event – one which will be way more fun than you are anticipating. So, go, and have a good time. but know that you are still in a building up phase and now is not the time to rest completely on your laurels. This card can also sometimes mean that you will be moving your place of residence. Business is also likely to be going very well at this time, you will be proud of yourself, and others will be proud of you. Overall situations are moving slowly but steadily. Though you may feel that everything is smooth at this time, but things are moving slower than expected. To be successful in the future, you should stay calm and be patient. For work, if you run your own business, you will be able to increase your customer base and your business is getting stable. Though it is a small business but you have achieved success at one level. If you have a full time job and have been working for a long time, you will have a progress in your career. For, your financial status is quite good without difficulty. If your financial status was not good in the past, you will have a better cash flow. For love, you will be happy and feel fresh. You may spend time with your lover and your relationship is likely to be more secure in the future. If you are not feeling the joy and satisfaction that is represented in this card then you should probably think about what you could have done better. Your end result is only going to be as good as what you put into it and the result before you right now is the best result that is possible considering the efforts that you have made towards it. You will get a chance to repeat the process again if you are not fully satisfied, but you will have to break it down and restart over.

This is a very positive card to see in a reading in any context. There may be an upcoming celebration; in any event, joy is likely to be in the air even the fact is that ir is reversed. Unexpected good fortune could be headed your way when this card appears. Still, that doesn’t mean to throw away all your hard work and simply sit back. All good things are added to when we make efforts and when we make a point to share and give to others, in whatever way we can. Just do your best. But you need look at very carefully otherwise it may result into any foundation which is not laid or not ready. A wedding or ceremony might be postponed or canceled. There is quicksand underneath rather than solid ground. This is often due to being unprepared and/or hasty actions.


Wheel Of Fortune

There will be some changes especially in your society. During this time, you may find that things are getting on the right track. If suddenly you find yourself “sitting on top of the world,” keep your perspective, as that too, like everything else, changes. Live in the now, count your blessings, and just realize that much of life is outside of your control, but that even that is okay. Roll with any changes, and think positively.
For work, you will get an opportunity from people around you including your colleagues who will support you to progress. If you have any problem, you can ask for help from people around you as well. It’s very possible that you will decide to leave your job if you are currently working, even if it’s a good job, because your heart is no longer in it. You are being called to follow your dream, no matter what it is. If you have a desire to do something different, but don’t know anybody who does what you want to do – be bold, and call up someone who does what you dream of doing, and ask them if you can have lunch with them or shadow them for four hours. You’d be surprised how often such a request is met in the affirmative.
For finance, you will get an unexpected financial luck from people around you or your friends. In the financial sense the Wheel of Fortune is generally a good omen for anyone who has been having a rough time for a while financially. It means that your circumstances are very likely to change, markedly, for the better. However, if you have had a long prosperous period, consider the opposite possibility, that your income may drop a little. If that’s the case, be sure you are prepared for the proverbial “rainy day.” In the long run, of course, it all evens out.
For love, it is not outstanding but not hopeless. If you find someone, you should take times to learn each other. It’s possible that a relationship needs to be re-negotiated or is possibly no longer going to suit your needs. This does not mean that, if you are in a committed relationship, that it is doomed, but only that you will need to take action to make sure that it makes it. Talk about how you are feeling, that’s your best hope. If you’re looking for a relationship, first get very, very clear on exactly “who” you are looking for, then get out and mingle – whether that’s online or by allowing friends to introduce you to someone that might “fit the bill.”

Health: Resisting change can be bad for your health. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress level under control. When in doubt, go back to the basics; proper nutrition, proper rest and proper exercise go a long way toward helping. Meditation and Yoga may help keep you in top-shape also.

For Spirituality: It’s important to be aware that in nearly all instances, we do make a contribution in some way to what is happening in our lives. It is rare for things to “just happen” or for us to be a truly blameless “victim” in a situation. Accept whatever your fair share of responsibility is for the situation you are currently facing, be accountable to yourself if to no one else, and move on. Sometimes things do “just happen,” if that is the case – rest assured you are by no means alone in that experience, and reach out for support. The support you need is truly always available.

In reverse position it indicates bad luck and misfortune. Instead of hitting the top of the wheel and moving forward, you are hitting the bottom, often stagnating. The wheel might not be turning at all and much-needed change is eluding you. that it is time to reemerge, and share your authentic self with others. After a period of introspection and self-work you have gained new insights and wisdom. Now the demands of the external world may be calling you back. Duties will multiply and events may pick up speed. The Hermit reversed indicates that you have something important to contribute to the world around you, but you cannot share it if you aren’t connecting with others. Today, don’t hide, or be embarrassed about who your really are. Step up and be an example of light for others who may feel lost in the dark. Your life challenges, and introspective journey of self discovery has given you valuable wisdom. Reconnect with the world and share that wisdom with others. You are not alone. Your example can lead to great healing if you open your heart.
In reversed it also means that what should be good luck, turns into misfortune. You might get the promotion just to experience hell in the new job environment. Getting what you want will get you deeper into trouble. Luck cannot be trusted.


Seven Of Pentacles

You will see a part of success but still need to put effort to achieve your expected goal. You may need to be patient and keep waiting as you will not be successful immediately. The procedures are slow. However, you should keep practicing and developing your skills. you should be feeling more secure than you have in a while. Things will be moving along well, and you’ll be feeling hopeful about the future – with good cause. You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with, or whether to spend your energy trying to bring more into your life. Choose wisely. For work, it may be your break time to see the result of your performance. For finance, you will have increasing saving and more stable financial status. For love, you will not succeed at this time and have to keep trying. it’s a good time to take a step back and think about areas in your life where you need more work and where you are doing well. It’s about seeking balance in your own life and measuring your value and worth in order to progress further in the right areas of your life.

Reverse indicating severe disappointment, depression, and in some extreme cases, loss. Where there is a good chance for growth and opportunity present with the card in the upright position… in the reversed position you are already seeing the results of your actions. Chances are that what you have sowed has failed to thrive and you are left with less than desirable results. Now is a time to avoid making a snap decision or reacting from your current situation. You didn’t get to where you are overnight and you aren’t going to get out of where you are overnight either. It points to a need for you to get real clear, right now, about what success means to you and about what your goals will look like when they are met. This is not the time to allow your goals to be amorphous. If they are, you will never meet them. Be specific. You might have invested in the wrong project and are realising the rewards that should have come will never arrive. There is also ls ack of faith in projects.

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Eight Of Wands

You are enthusiastic and desire to make your life better. You may have a plan to do something in the future. You have a strong intention and desire to make it done. You may be frustrated, tired of waiting. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. You may have already done all you can do, and decisions now must be made by other people. nothing seems to be moving ahead. Don’t try to force things, as that is likely to backfire on you. Speaking metaphorically, sometimes our actions are all in the wrist, all you can do is put your best out there and see where it lands. You’ve put your best out there. Now wait. At this point in time, all that you desire is being presented to you. Draw on the active energy of the staves flying through the air and allow yourself to have enthusiasm about your future and current circumstances. When you are enthusiastic, you get other people excited to help you as well. Your personal freedom of speech and expression are extremely important to you. Consider meditation to calm your larger impulses so that you can wait till you have all of the information before acting. For work, you will expect a progress in your career. If you have your own business, you may think of expansion or new investment. However, be careful not to be too hot-tempered. Try to consider carefully as you may make a wrong decision.

Indicates a lack of energy and lethargy and things are not moving in the right direction. . It Counsels patience. Some things in life cannot be forced or hurried. At the same time, look at how you are using your precious and limited energy. Are you simply waiting, or are you moving forward, as best as you can? it is important that you not lose sight of where you have started. Your confidence is being questioned, and this is hard for you to handle. Consider taking any new fantasies that you have about people or situations and take action or communicate immediately so that it doesn’t cause you to procrastinate. Procrastination is your worst enemy. You have done very well up to this point to put action to your desires. Do not stop now. You may be feeling guilty about something when you receive the reversed 8 of Wands. Remember that there is nothing that can be changed about the past; the only good thing that guilt can create is a change in future behavior. Sometimes the best thing to do is to forgive yourself. But your conscience is there for a reason. Don’t ignore it.


Five Of Wands

You may have an inner confusion or do not know how to handle something on priority basis. During this time, you may have different opinions to others. Thus, you may not want to share your opinions in order to avoid conflicts. Besides, this is not a good time to do anything as there will be obstacles ahead. You had better wait and see the situation. In addition, there may be a chance for getting into dispute with people around you. Thus, be careful with your words to avoid making problem become worse. your need to believe in yourself is stronger than ever now. Hold your head up high, and have faith that you will end up in the place that is right for you. You may be thinking of making a career change. Know that you can be successful, if so. It indicate that there are multiple individuals in your life that you are at odds with. While there is usually one main person that comes to mind when this card is present, often there is also an overall sense of being overwhelmed or being attacked. It is a time of stress and needing to pull together all of your resources. You need to be sure that the people you bring close to you have your true intentions at heart.

it is a good time to purge the bad and let go of negativity that you are holding on to. It signifies the end of strife, which can be good. However if there was a lack of closure for you – such as in the case that someone broke up with you, you were fired from a job, or something was taken away from you – then you are faced now with the negative consciousness associated with this loss. It is easy to dwell on things that have already happened, to wish that a situation was different, or focus on what you could have done differently. It doesn’t help though as what has happened has already happened and we can’t change the past. Learn from your own mistakes and work on forgiving others of their own short comings. No one is perfect and even from huge blunders in our life there is often a lesson to be learned. You have a real need to believe in and trust yourself now. If something or someone doesn’t pass the “smell test” to you now, trust your instincts. However, no matter what happens, be hesitant to escalate conflict or to take irrevocable steps. Don’t be hasty, no matter how angry you get in coming weeks. There is a fear of conflict and a fear of success. The seeker might be overly defensive, believing everyone is attacking them.

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60 thoughts on “Free Online Tarot Reading Accurate

  1. Akanksha says:

    I want to marry my love bt my parents rejected him we both love each other and want to be together forever I want to ask when my marriage will take place and will my love be my life partner

  2. Dipanwita Kar says:

    My boyfriend is still a student but my parents want to give me marriage very soon. But i am scared cause the boy I loved doesn’t have own room and enough space so if I tell that to my father he will stop my study. But i love him and he loves me too. I am 8 months older than him. I cry because I know ,I and he never could be married for my parents. But still i want to know. My DOB :19.10.1998 and his 07.07.1999.thank you. Stay safe .

  3. Komala says:

    Am trying very hard to acheive my dream job from last 3yrs still I don’t get my dream job,so when I will be getting my dream job

  4. sivani pentakota says:

    I have a person in my life, who helped me. But due to some 3rdppl intervention it got distrubed. Present my boy is ignoring me. How will be my future wid vineeth?

  5. Yorgam koyu says:

    With whom should I stay in relationship with my first guy or with this second guy who will live n keep me happily in future n love my families as well.? I cnt decide it

  6. Dilprit kaur says:

    Hello my name is dilprit kaur dob 16th april 2000 and my ex name is shobhit kumar dob 12 feb 1999..sir we were in a very ahppy relationship for approx 9 months..and the suddendly he changed i dont know the reason without even giving a reason or letting me talk he left..

    Sir my only question to u is that by what by when he will come and contact me..??
    Please reply me sir as with great hope i have come here tp u please…will be eagerly waiting for ur reply sir..

  7. anita Shah says:

    Hello ,this time my life going from hell ,I dont understand what I can do ,i got marriage in 2014 dec ,after 6 month i came to my home ,now case in court going last 4 yrs ,its not over or anything ,i have also a baby ,how can I manage i can’t understand, I want divorce to divorce on my condition but he not doing or coming for case ,I want save my baby future pls you tell me when it will be over ,when ended this case ,what happened in this case,

  8. A.N.RAO says:

    When willbe my daughter’s marriage? Whether she will get suitable boy of her choice?

    • A.N.RAO says:

      When will be my daughter’s marriage? Whether she will get suitable boy of her choice? Her date of birth is 28.06.1990 at 9.15am at Hassan, Karnataka.

  9. Rajasree Chatterjee says:

    I am in a very difficult situation in my life (19th Oct born) and hv bn going thru heartaches over a connection for couple of yrs. Social Male friend Sudipta Chokroborty (4th June), who I know for a number of years, initiated text chatting in 2017 thru which we became spiritually close within a short period of time but he then stopped texting after few months. We r both married to our spouses for a long time. I continued texting him as I found “not texting” very hard and occasionally he replied but sounded frustrated. Never expressed his feelings and I don’t know why he cdnt manage to keep a simple connection with me. I had some tarot readings and all said he has deepest feelings for me and he’s running away. They said he’s going thru the same heartaches. At present absolutely no connection or communication even whn we meet socially. Families are not speaking either and I hv bn told that despite his deep feelings for me he’s concentrating in his family as he feels duty bound. My question is will we ever be reconnected so we can stay in touch and will he ever exoress his feelings? I hv no intention of leaving my marriage but at the same time I am finding it absolutely devastating not being able to talk with him. I hv bn told numerously that he thinks of me, misses me just like I do but the difference between us is that he represses emotions and tries to get on with his life. Will he ever reach out? Will we ever be able to sit and talk? Thank you so much for your time.

    • Parimala says:

      21-August-1995, time 2:30 AM, place chitradurga, Karnataka, India.
      Sir can I know about my career related to job and my marriage.Means what my future brings in these conditions?

  10. Dr.Rukhsar Fatima says:

    I loved a guy but he got married to someone else. I met him again in Mumbai while we were both studying here, and again got into relationship post his marriage for few months..will he come back to me again ,as he had finished off and gone back home ..will he get divorced nd marry me in his second marriage if any DOB 19/03/1987 time-2:22pm city -Lucknow..his DOB 11/01/1985 , time – 5:30am , city – joya, Moradabad

  11. Monika says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am in love with someone….he also admitted that he also loves me..but presently he denied all…I want to know that he is the one who will be my future hubby….he is younger to me…

  12. Bipin K Prajapati says:

    My Wife Name is Mahima Shukla , DOB is 09/09/1986, TOB is 01:15 AM Place Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
    My Name is Bipin Prajapati DOB is 22/02/1987, TOB is 12:02 AM, Place of Birth is Bareilly Uttar Pradesh
    She has been asking for divorce, What are the chances of her to come back and continue with relation.

  13. Anandika says:

    My husband divorced me last year after 14 years of our marriage. We have two kids. Myself and our kids begged him not to do so but he did not listen. I had to leave his country and come back to India with both kids. He went and took ex party divorce. I still love him and want my family to reunite.
    He has now filed the case in India to take the kids back but the kids have refused to go to him. There is a mediation going on between us . I pray day and night that the outcome is positive and he reunited with us.

    My question is that what will be the outcome of our mediation and will he ever in future reunite with me and our kids? Will he ever realize the damage he is doing to his family and himself ?
    My date of birth- 20.11.67
    Husband’s DOB – 29.09.67

  14. Vanesa says:

    Im a degree final year student. I want to know weather i will get an admission in IIT for post graduation. Also i want to know about my immediate future

  15. Dinesh Dhiman says:

    Name : Dinesh Dhiman
    DOB :- 31.07.1976
    POB : Sujanpur Tira ,Distt : Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)
    I want to know about my career and wealth position , earlier i was working in Private company and earning good money but in the month of June 2018 i got selected in Himachal pradesh govt undertaking and salary here is very low and first there is a contract period of three years as per govt policy and then regularisation . I remain always tense whether i have taken a good decision or not and my economic condition not good these days.Will this situation improve and there are growth chances in future . Please guide me what should i do now.

  16. Dinesh Dhiman says:

    Name : Dinesh Dhiman
    DOB :- 31.07.1976
    POB : Sujanpur Tira ,Distt : Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)
    I want to know about my career and wealth position , earlier i was working in Private company and earning good money but in the month of June 2018 i got selected in Himachal pradesh govt undertaking and salary here is very low and first there is a contract period of three years as per govt policy and then regularisation . I remain always tense whether i have taken a good decision or not and my economic condition not good these days.Will this situation improve and there are growth chances in future . Please guide me what should i do now.

  17. priya says:

    My name is priya dob 15/02/1990 time 00:10 am i want to know my marriage year and time

  18. hewa kankanamge onali venara wijayawardana says:

    Would I pass the A/Ls next year and become a doctor or would I get a chance to study abroad?
    Wold I be able to date a Korean like I have dreamed?

  19. Pragati Deshamukh says:

    1)I want my freedom I just don’t want to get controlled by anyone. 2)I want my husband to love me alot and want to give birth to child . Iam actually not getting pregnant. 3)will my home life be happy and same always?

  20. Patricija Grlj says:

    Me and my partner have very intense and difficult relationship.He’s got BPD and the fact that I am very sensitive person makes things even harder for both of us.We have very strong bond and we do love each other deeply.Are we gonna stay together?

  21. simmi says:

    I have been in short relationship with a guy (Anurag) in between (April-June,2019). But we are not communicating now. I want to know will he comeback or he has moved on with someone else.Do he likes me today as well?

  22. Sanja says:

    I’ d like to know am I going to be in relationship with man that already have 3 mariages behinde him

  23. Suma says:

    When I ll get a job..I am jobless after my baby birth so it is very tough period for me.please suggest when I ll get a job

  24. Nishi says:

    1)Kindly let me will I get chance to go to United Nations mission to Lebanon this year end.
    2)when will I get a chance to keep my baby along with me without support of my parents or relatives

    • Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

      If you want this answer on the basis of tarot reading then please use the above free tarot reader tool, you will definitely get the clue. First think about your question for a moment and then click on ‘shuffle button’ to shuffle the cards. After that you can read your predictions. Always remember without connecting your energy (question) with universal energy you can not get the correct answer from tarot. As soon as you connect with the universal energy beside this limited bodily existence, you will start getting correct prediction. So, use the above tool wholeheartedly.

  25. Bridgette says:

    Please help me free of cost I need to know about if I’m getting married to the person I love, I’m very stressed and cry for him everyday, help me!

    • Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

      You can take the help of above tarot tool to know whether you will get married with your loved one’s or not. First please read the rule to get the accurate tarot reading. I already have mentioned the procedure to get the tarot reading from this free tarot reading tool in another comment, you can read it here in the comment section. If you need any remedial help to resolve the issue then that is not free, to get remedial help you need to book an appointment first. There are various type of remedies especially for love related matters which can solve your problem. Love and marriage both are completely separate matters, although they look same. All love relationships do not reach to its destination of marriage. Some relationships do not have any destination to reach also. But if your destination is to get married with your loved one, and facing problem regarding that then definitely you can go for special love and marriage related remedial service to reach there…

  26. Chetna says:

    We r facing some aghori nd black magic things having no money dad is ill severely nd m still unmarried .all these problem ll sort out.


    Namaste Sir, I am Ram chandra Solanki from Jodhpur (Raj) my date of birth is 08-10-1981 birth time is 22.15 PM. My service matter is pending in rajasthan high court since 2016. My prayer is that I filled writ petition in rajasthan high court regarding previous govt job (BSF) or pay protection at present department. both the request is still pending. High court can be given only one remedies.

    Hence, which option can be finalized through court and which benefits can be given through court.

    when court case decision is finalized please intimate me with which benifits can be given.

  28. Zainab says:

    em going through real tough phase as i am in love with and Aries man but things arent working for both of us what do i do 🙁 🙁

    • Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

      Please ask in the related article’s comment section, this is not the correct page to ask this question. This page is all about Tarot reading and your question is related to astrology so please find out the correct article in astrology section and ask the same question, I will definitely give you the answer. Please do not forget to mention you and your boy friend’s birth details so that i can check both of your horoscope or kundli side by side. Hope you understood…

      • Jose vishal says:

        I have a partner but she is join to another relationship .this is not my problem but she says want to marry me .so many times she is cheating me. What is going wrong for me .my DOB:28/6/1988,partner dob:26/2/2001

        • Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee says:

          This is Tarot reading section. You have asked the question in wrong comment section. Please find-out the right article for your question and ask that again, I will definitely answer. This blog is followed by many astrology students. Your question can help them to understand the subject more clearly. That is the reason I give answers for free…

  29. Mou says:

    6yr ho gaya mere sadi ko par avi vi koi baby nehi he .Bohot doctor dikhaya par kuch nehi hua.mere husbend ka kuch problem he .Doctor bole IUI karwane ko par me usme raji nehi kaya mera baccha hoga? Agar gua to kab hoga?or natural way me hi hoga na?

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