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Aquarius Personality Traits In Astrology

Aquarius Personality Traits In Astrology - Horoscope Prediction

Aquarius Personality Traits In Astrology

Aquarius Personality Of Male and Female In Astrology

Aquarius Personality Traits/ Characteristic In Astrology – Horoscope Prediction: Aquarius Horoscope In Astrology: Aquarius people always tend to be rebels, simply for-the-sake-of having their own-way. Their obstinacy sometimes makes them fail, they’ll continue to do anything in their own way, even after others have proved that is wrong, sometimes they also understand that thing as wrong, but they’ll continue just because, the has been chosen by them. They’re very fixed or rigid in opinion & stubborn when confronted, but one thing is for sure that, they do not like to impose their ideas or opinions on others. 

Element is Air 

Gender is Female 

Ruler is Saturn 

Aquarius is simply the lighter- side-of-Saturn. If Capricorn represents a hard-worker, then Aquarius will represent a good communicator who really works hard. Aquarius is the 11th sign in natural zodiac, it represents a natural 11th house in astrology, & the eleventh house is just all about communication, socializing & networking with new and existing friends. That’s why Aquarius folks are very closed to friends and social circles. They fulfill their tasks and goals with the help of their resources of network and friends. 

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Aquarius Sign Characteristics Vedic Astrology: Each zodiac sign has its own karmic related path that they generally take, as some signs make someone alone in this world they just do not feel anybody to be with them, while other zodiac signs simply require the company of others. Aquarius isn’t different in this matter. As Saturn control this sign, these people get very easy gains in their life through friends & network, & they get-promoted much quicker, due to their own contacts. 

Some people think that Aquarius individuals are heartless & they’re very unemotional in romance, but actually they’re not heartless, Aquarius, is an airy sign like Libra and Gemini, & the one & only way a relationship survives in their life when there will be the best communication between both & this will keep the relationship-alive. Best career, for Aquariuns are, fashion; PR Agent; media;  wedding planar; actor; party planar; Television show host, etc. 

Aquarius Personality Traits In Astrology: Aquarius people are in search-of-wisdom, they’re very good observer & can gather that information objectively, because, emotions don’t get in their way, & when they speak, they just speak-the-truth. Sometimes they show disregard, for the feelings or emotions of

others & it might be shocking & painful to those people, but they do not have any intention to harm behind this behavior, actually, Aquarius people are very much detached, from emotion. 

Aquarius Horoscope In Astrology: Aquarius people can be also very willful, especially in their childhood. With age, they generally learn, to handle their own strong-needs. Theirs crave for independence is very powerful indeed, it is no matter, what their age is. With a quiet Sun and/or Ascendant, their desire to “shock” others is not always apparent until a relationship becomes

comfortable. They’re usually proud of their own family members, always busy in boasting just how unique they are.

 Aquarius Career Astrology

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