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Five Elements In Vastu Shastra Of Home, Factory, Office

Five Elements In Vastu Shastra Of Home, Factory, Office Detail analysis

Five Elements In Vastu Shastra Of Home, Factory, Office Detail analysis

Five Elements In Vastu Shastra Of Home, Factory, Office: Vastu is a science of creating pleasant and harmonious settings for your home or office or any other place keeping in mind the benefits bestowed by the five elements called “Paanchbhutas” of nature thereby paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, success and happiness in a balanced environment. These five elements are Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Space. There is life on earth because of the presence of these five elements.

“Everything is connected through energy” – this is the key principle of Vastu. This means that your thoughts, feelings and even your behavior are strongly influenced by your surroundings. In Vastu, each direction of the home is influenced by particular energy.

Five Elements In Vastu Of Home, Factory, Office

Creation Of Panchtatwa or Five Elements – The Base Of Five Elements In Vastu Shastra

The universe is nature’s perfect and beautiful creation where all the matter that the universe is built from is from five basic and essential elements. The world’s most famous equation shaped by Albert Einstein, E = mc2, indicates that energy and mass are actually two sides of the same thing. Ancient Great Rishis (Sages) discovered how the world was created by a non-manifested state of pure consciousness. From this state of absolute consciousness emerged the first sound vibration, the soundless Aum ie “\”

The first space, or ether, elements were created from this vibration. Ether began to move and the movement created air and the movement of friction was heart-shaped light, which then produced the fire element.

From the fire’s heat dissolved some parts of the ether to a liquid form and so the water element was created. When the water became fixed in form then it became earth element molecules. From a different point of view: protons, neutrons, electrons, and other subatomic particles in the atom represent the earth element.

The energies of that atom, which keeps the electrons around the nucleus, represent the water element. When the atom exploded and released colossal energy, the fire element came into being. The force that gets electrons moving around the nucleus represents the air element.

The space in which they move represents the space element. In other words, all five elements are everywhere in all forms of matter. In Vedic tradition, the five elements are called Panchabhutas, which connect the person in a Vastu home with the beneficial earth and cosmic energies from the sun.


How These Panchabhutas are connected with Your Home, Factory or Office?

Five Elements In Vastu Shastra and Directions: These five elements earth, water, fire, air, and space are each connected with a particular direction that acknowledges the basic laws of nature. By honoring these elements and their energies, we become more aligned with nature and therefore can achieve greater harmony in our everyday lives.

Earth Element In Vastu: The earth element is represented by plants, trees, rocks, soil, and mountains, and is, therefore, a solid, dense, and grounded element. People need a solid foundation to survive in this physical world. The earth element is linked to the southwest direction and is the best choice for the location of a master bedroom, especially for the head of the family.

The element of earth is associated with earth-toned colors yellow and all shades of brown. These colors would be earth-colored pigments of brown, sepia, sienna, ochre, umber, and cinnamon.

Water Element In Vastu: In Vedic tradition, water is commonly used as a metaphor for pure consciousness. As the north is where the energy waves of the water elements collect, the best place to locate indoor and outdoor water features (pools, ponds, waterfalls, fountains, and aquariums) would be in this region of the home and yard. The element of water is associated with all shades of blues and black.

As water hasn’t its own color, it only reflects the color of others, that’s the reason in the day time it looks like blue and at night it is dark black. You can honor this element by using green-toned paints, actual water features, or pictures of water.

Fire Element In Vastu: The southeast is dominated by the fire element and is the best place for fireplaces, kitchens, and electrical devices. To honor this element, light a fire either in a fireplace or by using non-toxic beeswax candles. The element of fire is acknowledged by intense golden-orange, gold, golden-yellow and red shades, with red being the core color. A kitchen painted in an apricot tone would not only honor the fire energies but would also be energizing to the person that performed cooking chores in this room.

Air/ Wood Element In Vastu: Movement is normally associated with the element of air which is liveliest in the East, East-north-east, and east-south-east. In the Feng-shui system, this element is also called the Wood element. To keep the air in your home fresh, open windows and use fans and air purifiers in these directions corners of your rooms. Wind chimes, mobiles, and wind streamers are best placed in these areas.

To get the most benefit from the prana (life-force energy) in the air, learn and practice yoga breathing techniques, called pranayama (which will be discussed in greater detail in another article). Guestrooms are normally best located in this area of the home as well. The element of air is normally portrayed as Green. This color and the many shades it comes in resonate with the qualities of air.

Space Element In Vastu: The element of space is linked to sound and silence. This element is represented by the center of a building and the center of each individual room and is an element of energetic and dynamic space. It is the connection between the seen and the unseen. This element is honored by keeping the center of each room clean and clear of objects.

To keep reverence of this open space, heavy objects are never placed in the center of the room. The element of space, which is the center of the Vastu Purusha Mandala, or the universe in miniature, is such a subtle and expansive element that no particular color has been assigned to it formally. It is usually represented by the color white which is viewed as pure.

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Shiva – Shakti Energy and Five Elements In Vastu Shastra

Besides the five elements, we should also consider the effects of the prana flow from the sun and the moon. Shiva (the Sun) – The Pure Consciousness is represented by the direction of the east because this is where the sun rises. Shiva is the Divine Father, the male positive prana, or life force energy. Vastu principles say it is important to have more windows and doors in the east because it is important for the first ultraviolet sun rays to enter the home and nourish the people living there.

Those first rays of the sun are very important for the cells of our body to be recharged. We carry this prana with us throughout the day to make us more productive, successful, and to ultimately achieve wealth.

The north is represented by Shakti (the Moon) – The Energy Of Bliss – who is the Divine Mother and positive female aspect of cosmic energy. Shakti represents creativity, health, wealth, and love. Openings like windows and doors in the north are beneficial. Areas of the northeast represent the combination of Shiva and Shakti and are a very important part of the home.

Balancing the Shiva & Shakti Energy To Balance Five Elements In Vastu Shastra

According to Indian mythology, both Shiva and Shakti are positive and equal to each other and cannot function without each other. There must always be a balance in creation so the male and female principles can exist in harmony. If Shiva (the male) is dominating too much, with a lack of Shakti, the effect can be tough, hard, or even cruel. One becomes materialistic with no inner guidance and will do anything to get more power and will not care for others. If Shakti (the female) is dominating, without Shiva, the inspirations and ideas and inner guidance that she provides will never manifest in the material world. Both are needed and balance is very important if one wants to get health, wealth, and have good relationships.

The Flow Of Shiva & Shakti Energy

When the energies of Shiva and Shakti enter a home, they should flow slowly throughout the home and be encouraged to stay as long as possible. They should be able to enter from the northeast, north, and east and slowly exit through the southwest, south, or west regions of the home. Their flow should always be in balance and is essential for a harmonious home.


Colors and Balancing Five Elements In Vastu Shastra

How To Balance Vastu: The use of colors to create environments that are uplifting, encouraging, and relaxing is an ancient art of its own. You may need to experiment with different shades and hues to determine which colors will provide the best results for you and your family. Color has an emotional impact that is very individualized. Every color has the ability to affect us energetically with a unique vibrational rate that can be not only pleasurable but also nourishing to the body. Colors are food for your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Below is a list of Vastu colors and the energy they represent:

Red and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Fire, blood, love, passion, sexuality, courage, strength, drama, the creative force, anger, war, danger, sacrifice, frustration

Orange and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Health, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, development, confidence, socialization Yellow: Joy, happiness, attention, creativity Green: Growth, cure, healing, renewal, abundance, prosperity, peace, joy, cooperation, harmony—A good Vastu color

Blue and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Calm, integrity, inspiration, stability, withdraw, loneliness

Purple and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Mystery, authority, luxury, spiritual wealth, meditation White: Life and death, innocence, purity, hygiene

Pink and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Romance and love, peace, proximity, cooperation, harmony, relaxation, happy mood.

Black and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Calm, grief, mystery, magic, elegant, hot, depression

Brown and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Stability, safety, security, roots, fidelity

Gray and Balancing Elements In Vastu: Compromise, resting, self-control, self-criticism

Remember to take a look at the natural colors available in the world outside of your home and try to incorporate those same colors within your living environment to reap the best results of connecting with the earth, its energies, and the spiritual nature of all creation. Better yet, bring live plants, flowers, leaves, twigs, and rocks into your home to add to the vitality of your home. Even the colors that you choose to adorn your body with will have a healing and nourishing effect on your overall health.

Maintaining a harmonious Vastu helps in having an environment which is in accordance to the laws of nature and this, in turn, will help in creating positive vibrations whether it is in your home, office or any other space, eventually helping people who live or work in that space achieve happiness, prosperity, and success.

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