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Love Or Arranged Marriage In Astrology

love or arranged marriage in horoscope astrology astrosanhita


Love or arranged marriage in astrology prediction by date of birth: How many times you have asked this to yourself – will I have a love marriage or arranged marriage? Let’s see what astrology says. Venus and Mars are the most important significator of marriage. In the Prediction system of Horoscope (generated by date of birth, time & place) Venus is the “karaka” of marriage in a male horoscope and Mars is in a female horoscope. The 7th house is the ruling house of marriage. Therefore, the 7th house from Sun, Moon, Lagna or ascendant, Mars & Venus is required to be judged in the case of love or arranged marriage prediction.

Love Or Arranged Marriage In Astrology

Prediction by date of birth whether love or arranged marriage

Besides the above mentioned, Jupiter, Mercury, 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 11th house, 12th  house, and their lords are auxiliary & also required to go into more depth of marital life. 

Among 12 signs, we need to give importance on two signs to judge marriage in an astrological viewpoint, those are – Libra & Scorpio, as they are the 7th house and 8th house of the natural zodiac. 

Now it is clear to you that why the above-mentioned houses are important for judging Marriages in Astrology specifically to determine the yoga of love or arranged marriage in a horoscope.


Talk To Astrologer Now: Marriage Astrology Consultation 


Again we can divide the Marriage System into two types.

Those are 1. Arrange Marriage  & 2. Love Marriage.

Let’s talk about those two, and how to get the clue from one’s horoscope that his/her marriage would be of Love or Arranged or there will be nobody else in his/her life that means “celibacy”! Now next one obvious question can come to your mind – ” Will I have a love marriage or arranged marriage? I will recommend you to read below-mentioned articles to get your answer of:

Will I have a love marriage or arranged marriage astrology

Love Marriage In Astrology                Arranged Marriage In Astrology

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