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Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies



Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies In Vedic Astrology: Marriage is an integral part of life and society. There is a belief that a husband and wife together bring completeness, allowing them to lead a fulfilling, prosperous life. Whether or not this is the case is debatable. What is certain, however, is that marriage plays an essential role in our lives. In contemporary culture, it is no longer abnormal for individuals to marry during their thirties. This is due to the fact that more emphasis is now placed on educational attainment and career success during the twenties. Nevertheless, this notion is inaccurate. Contrary to popular belief, a marriage after the age of 25 does not necessarily mean a delay in marriage. It merely indicates that marriage ought not to happen before 25.

Like every other important factor of life, marriage should happen at the proper times also, otherwise, that doesn’t bring any positive change in our life. 

In previous days there were very few cases of late marriage but nowadays it is just increasing day by day and becoming an obvious reason behind the mismatch of sexual demands between two partners which is giving birth – extramarital relationships, childbirth problems, and finally, divorce.

Oftentimes, ambitious career aspirations can take precedence over marriage plans. This is applicable to both men and women alike. It’s essential that both aspects of life are acknowledged in order to strike a balance between them. It’s wise to consider age when setting particular life goals, but planetary placements in the birth chart can also play a major role in determining when marriage will occur. Consequently, weaker ascendant or ascendant lords of natives can be linked to the delay of marriage according to birth details.

Like solutions to other problems, Astrology shows us the way to come out of these types of serious problems also, but, before that, you need to know whether you have Late marriage or delay in marriage yoga in your horoscope or not.

So, take out your horoscope and match it with the planetary combinations in your chart as described below. If these planetary combinations are present so you are going to face the same problem that nowadays so many people are facing – that is “Delay In Marriage“.

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 Late Marriage In Horoscope/ Delay Marriage In Astrology

Reasons Behind Late Marriage (social): 

So many reasons are there behind the late marriage problem, but here I am going to mention some common of them.  

  1. Miss-conception about marriage.
  2. People are becoming over-professional day by day.
  3. To become very choosy.
  4. Family dependency or responsibilities.  
  5. Physical illness.
  6. Financial Problems etc.

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Astrological Reasons For Delay In Marriage In Astrology

Planets In 7th House and Delay In Marriage: The position of the Sun in the seventh house of a birth chart speaks to potential delays in marriage, as well as to a potentially anxious relationship. Saturn’s placement within the same house hints at a relationship that may be delayed, or one that is not exclusive. In such a case, a person may find themselves marrying a widow or an individual much older than themselves. Mars in the Seventh likewise is not an auspicious sign for a timely relationship, as it indicates a powerful effect of Manglik elements. For such individuals, it is strongly recommended that marriage take place after the age of twenty-eight.

Planets and houses both are responsible for this. Among all Planets, any malefic planet can cause a delay in marriage – Like – Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu & Ketu. Among all houses, the influence of the 8th and 12th houses plays a very important role in deciding the delay in marriage.

In Late marriages matter, Saturn & Rahu – both of them play the main role and Sun Plays the secondary role. 

Saturn and Delay/ Late Marriage In Horoscope

Saturn is the main karaka or significator to delay anything. When Saturn is involved in delaying anything so that means, it wants to teach you something regarding that matter.

(Astrological reasons for delay in marriage)

Saturn is a great teacher but it teaches us in a harsh way, not in a soft way like Jupiter. Saturn puts you in a problem, – to learn from that problem, to show your lack of what needs to be developed.

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Sun and Delay/ Late Marriage In Astrology/ Horoscope

(Reasons for late marriage in astrology)

Sun is the significator of discipline, authority, power, etc. When Sun will be in an unfavorable position in a birth chart so it will be giving bad results regarding those houses with which it is connected.

Lagna or Ascendant is the Eastern direction of a birth chart and Just opposite the Lagna 7th house is the Western direction. In the Eastern, direction Sun gets directional strength which is very essential for Sun especially.

Getting directional strength is important for each and every planet but in the case of the Sun that is very much more important than others.

Try to understand why the eastern direction means Sun is rising, the 10th house Sun means it is in midday also called midheaven and the 7th house placement means Sunset, it loses its maximum power, and the 4th house means midnight.

See your chart – your Sun’s position will tell you what is your birth time. Now you must be thinking how this directional strength is connected to delay in marriage, right? It is connected. it is one of the major points behind this I must say, but do not think it is the only one, some other factors are also there.

In conclusion, I want to say in very short that – if Sun is the decisive planet and it is somehow connected with the 7th house or its lord so it will give late marriage.

But, always remember, Sun always doesn’t give late marriage, when it is in a state to give any result then only it will give the late marriage.

Actually, an unfavorable state of the Sun always will make that part of life undisciplined and unorganized. If it is connected with marriage-related houses so it will start from giving late marriage and will or may end in divorce or unhappy married life. Sun is also responsible for extramarital relationships due to the lack of understanding between husband and wife. 

Mars and Delay/ Late Marriage In Astrology/ Horoscope

Mars also gives a delay in marriage effect, but not all the time. In some circumstances, Mars also gives early marriage or marriage at the proper time. Today, I am just concentrating on the delay in marriage, so I am not going to discuss early marriage at the proper time here.

As a malefic planet if Mars is connected with marriage-related houses so it will give late marriage, but, if Mars is the 7th house lord (libra Lagna) or aspected by Jupiter, so this type of Mars can not give late marriage if other late marriage indications are not present in the chart.

Venus and Mars’s combination in any marriage-related houses can be responsible for the delay in marriage. If there is “Mangalik Dosha” in a chart so you should not get married before 28 years of age. 

Rahu-Ketu and Delay/ Late In Horoscope/ Astrology  

Rahu & Ketu are two malefic planets and they also cause a delay in marriage. If Rahu or Ketu connects with marriage-related houses especially the 7th house or lord so that will indicate towards delay in marriage.

But, remember here Nakshatra lords and depositors of two planets will ultimately control the results of these two planets – whether they will give late marriage or not. I have seen many horoscopes with Rahu- Ketu’s influence on marriage-related houses but they got married at the proper age.

Now marital life would be happy or not that is different but Rahu-Ketu’s influence always doesn’t mean late marriage, but if the situation is not like above so it will definitely give late marriage.

If the nakshatra lord or depositor of these two planets are ill-placed or Malefic planets and also connected to any marriage-related houses so a delay in marriage is definite. 

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12 Houses Of Horoscope and Their Effects On Delay In Marriage

(Reasons for delay in marriage as per astrology)

Now let’s concentrate on house matters. The 7th house is the main house of marriage, the 8th house is the conjugal bliss and the 12th house represents bed pleasure.

Important Note On Late Marriage Yoga In Horoscope: The position of Saturn in relation to the 7th house can be concerning, as it influences your marriage and your wife. The heightened presence of malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu, Mars, and Saturn in this house is especially worrisome, as the planetary ruler of the house is already weakened.

  1. Furthermore, the instability of Jupiter accentuates the precariousness of this 7th house. Any affliction to the 7th house by a planet triggers a negative reaction, and the combined consequences of Saturn and Mars in this house can be especially dire.In terms of marriage, the 7th lord is viewed as the karaka of relationship, so if this lord is weakened, retrograde, or debilitated, the marriage may be delayed. The same can occur if the 7th lord is placed in the 6th or 8th house and switches positions (exchange) with the 8th lord.
  2. Additionally, if the 7th lord is in conjunction with Saturn or Saturn aspects Venus from any house, the marriage can be postponed.
  3. A further indication of potential delays comes if Jupiter is in the 8th house, Saturn in conjunction with Ketu in the 5th house, and Rahu and Venus in the 11th house.
  4. If the moon is located in either the 8th or 12th house, the situation of marriage uncertainty becomes almost certain.

Retrograde Planet and their Effects On Delay In Marriage

Retrograde planets also play a very very important role in late marriage. We know that marriage-related houses are – 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses. If any marriage-related house lord is retrograde so there will be a  delay in marriage due to that house matter.

For example – If the 2nd house is retrograde so the financial matter would be the main reason behind the late marriage. If the 7th house is retrograde so it will be hard to get a suitable partner after a lot of searches etc. For everybody, the result would be the same that doesn’t mean that a house only doesn’t indicate one matter.

A house indicates several types of matters, that is directly or indirectly connected to our life. The reason could be anything but retrogression of marriage-related houses will give late marriage definitely.   

Even if the above-mentioned planets are retrograded or any retrograde planet is associated with marriage-related houses so that can also give delay in marriage. Sometimes, it has been seen that – if the 4th and 12th lord is retrograde or these two houses are associated with retrograded planets so that also gives the delay in marriage. 

D-9 Or Navamsa and Delay In Marriage In Horoscope

Besides the natal chart, we have to judge the Navamsa also, because the Navamsa is the chart for marriages and all secrets of marital life can be unfolded through that.

So, do not forget to judge the Navamsa chart beside the Natal chart, otherwise, all your work would be in vain. Other combinations are there in our ancient books but you have to choose only appropriate points from them, which points are matching with today’s society. Do the research and get more knowledge. 

Remedies For Late/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope

( late marriage problems astrology/ delay in marriage remedies)

After detecting the delay in marriage from the birth chart, now is the time to select the exact remedial procedure so that the problem can be solved.

Gemstones: To select the exact gemstone we need to see very carefully which planet is responsible for late marriage. Always remember, do not give strength to any malefic planet or lord of any malefic house.

If any malefic planet is the lord of marriage-related houses the planet can come under consideration. Do not ignore the Navamsa /D-9 chart while selecting any remedy, because D-9 is the main chart for marriage.  

Without gemstones, there is a special kind of remedy that will work more efficiently & quickly than gemstones also, but that should be followed according to your horoscope and another chart will be involved there that is called “kurma Chakra”. Be careful, if you select any wrong remedy so it can harm you or may not work at all, and as result, it will be a waste of money and time. 

The union of marriage unites a girl and a boy through commitment and an appreciation of life’s ever-changing conditions. It is a relationship that transcends far beyond biology and demands attention to detail for successful outcomes. To ensure this, professional astrological advice (Delay In Marriage Astrology Consultation ) for assessing kundli matching can help foresee any potential nuptial delays and provide ample time to tackle any obstacles.

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